
OFTW HQ Events Calendar

Here you will find a list of all the OFTW HQ events and training sessions that will happen this year. Save the dates!

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 3 months ago

Journey to Pledge

Learn how to build a journey of engagement that will help allow people to enthusiastically take the pledge!

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 1 year ago

Semester planning guide

Plan your semester here! A high-level overview of running a OFTW chapter, including a sample game plan and semester checklist.

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 1 year ago

Recruitment and Onboarding


Learn how to recruit new members for your Executive Board and Student Ambassadors.

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 1 year ago


Learn how to onboard new members so that your team runs effectively!

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 3 months ago

Kickoff Event Guide

How to run a OFTW chapter kickoff event

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 1 year ago



The key to a successful semester

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 3 months ago

OFTW Expense Reimbursement

Here's how to get reimbursed for chapter expenses.

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 2 years ago


How to Follow up

After any tabling session, event or 1:1 conversation, follow up is key!

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 1 year ago

1:1 Outreach

Reaching out to people individually to chat about the pledge has consistently been the most 'low effort - high impact' activity that chapter leaders can do.

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 1 year ago

Answering tough questions

Being a CL means you need to be prepared to answer more nuanced questions about OFTW and global poverty. Learn more about how to respond to them here!

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 4 months ago


How to Run Events

Best practices and guides for all types of events, including kickoff events, speaker events, socials, and Giving Lunches.

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 1 year ago

Giving Lunch guide

Key tips and tools to run an effective Giving Lunch

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 3 months ago

Advocacy Program Guide

Learn what an advocacy program is, and a step-by-step guide to running your own!

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 1 year ago
Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 2 years ago
Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 2 years ago

Internal Organizing & Leadership Transition

Leadership Transition

Ensure that your chapter continues to grow long after your tenure.

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 1 year ago

Chapter Structure

Different ways to structure your chapter's membership

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 2 years ago

How to run meetings

Learn how to run team meetings + a sample agenda!

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 2 years ago

How to be an effective leader

Learn how to set expectations, motivate your team, and ensure accountability

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 2 years ago

Pledge Week

How to Run a Pledge Week

Finish your semester with success

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 1 year ago