What is Effective Altruism?

Learn more about our philosophy
Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 2 years ago

OFTW and the effective giving movement are part of a larger school of thought known as "Effective Altruism."


  1. What is Effective Altruism?
  2. Videos on EA
  3. Book Recommendations

What is Effective Altruism?

Effective Altruism is:

  1. The use of evidence and careful reasoning to work out how to maximize the good with a given amount of resources, and
  2. The use of the findings from 1. to try to improve the world.

EA comprises both donating and dedicating time to causes. It also covers lots of "cause areas", or areas in which research and resources should be allocated in order to maximize the good that can be achieved by its members. Within EA, global health and development is just one of several primary "cause areas". Other cause areas include animal welfare and long-term existential risk.

As you are reading this, that means you are part of OFTW, which means you are a part of Effective Altruism. Therefore, it is good practice to become familiar with EA both for your own knowledge and for conveying the broader ideas to others. Below you will find a few videos that walk you through EA as a concept and why it is so important. And below those, you will find book recommendations to dive even further in the concepts.

Video Links:

Book Recommendations:

  • Doing Good Better - William MacAscill
  • The Life You Can Save - Peter Singer
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