Step 2: How to Register with Your School

Written by Emma Cameron
Updated 2 years ago

Congratulations! If you are learning how to register at your school, that means you are close to becoming a One for the World chapter founder. Woohoo! Read on to get advice and materials to make the process as easy as possible:


  1. Why should you bother?
  2. Registration advice
  3. Materials
  4. Next steps

Why should you bother?:

  • Being recognized by your school’s administration/school club board is important because at most universities, privileges like reserving rooms, tabling, hosting speakers, etc. are contingent on the student group being formally recognized. Unfortunately, the bureaucracy at some schools can be pretty tortuous, so the sooner you get this process started the better!

Registration advice:

  • Basically, the thing to do is to look up your school’s clubs and organizations page and click on wherever it says “Start a Club” here. Follow the instructions there.
  • Know a friend who’s started a club? Talk to them
  • Also, it can’t hurt to physically go into the club / student activity office and start asking questions. Chances are, you’ll be given everything you need to start a club.


Next Steps:

  • Once you are recognized, it is important to apply for school funding to help cover expenses for activities/events. OFTW will cover the budget shortfall, should there be one.
  • Keep on keeping on - Continue making process with the New Chapter Guide!
  • Congratulate yourself! You are doing an excellent thing - essentially you are paving the way for tens, if not hundreds, of people to donate effectively. Building a chapter is a great way to have a huge impact as a single person, because all the good your chapter does can be traced back to you!
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